Simon Wintle
- Spain • Member since February 01, 1996
Founder and editor of the World of Playing Cards since 1996. He is a former committee member of the IPCS and was graphics editor of The Playing-Card journal for many years. He has lived at various times in Chile, England and Wales and is currently living in Extremadura, Spain. Simon's first limited edition pack of playing cards was a replica of a seventeenth century traditional English pack, which he produced from woodblocks and stencils.
Baraja de Juan Martín Zamorano
Deck inspired by El Pendón de los Zamorano, a military pennant dating from 1501, published by Priego de Córdoba town council.
Justice playing cards
Ethical concepts in a deck produced by Riccardo Conturbia’s Passione Playing Cards Ltd.
Jackson Robinson's Beowulf playing card deck inspired by the Old English pagan poem.
Tarot hiéroglyphique égyptien
The design of the cards draws inspiration from various religious and philosophical traditions merged into a sort of holistic tarot deck.
“Egyptium” is a hand-illustrated deck of fantasy playing cards with artwork by Russian artist Oleg Shapkin.
Seminole Wars deck
Seminole Wars deck by J. Y. Humphreys, Philadelphia, c.1819.
Fantasy Spanish-suited deck
Fantasy Spanish-suited deck by Bertschinger y Codina, Barcelona.
Virgil Solis
Remarkable pack of 52 animal-suited playing-cards designed and etched by Virgil Solis.
Trappola cards from Poland
Trappola cards published in Warsaw by J G Du Port during the 18th century.
Bertschinger y Codina - Cartes Françaises
French ‘Paris’ pattern made by Bertschinger y Codina, Barcelona, c.1850.
Verkeers Kwartet
A helpful quartet game celebrating the 75th anniversary of road safety exams making traffic safer.
Spanish pattern by Eugène Boisse
Spanish pattern published by Eugène Boisse, Bordeaux.
Catalan pattern by B.P Grimaud
Standard Spanish Catalan pattern deck made in Paris by B.P Grimaud.
Pam is the Knave of Clubs
Playing cards as metaphors in 18th century art - from fate, chance and social hierarchy to critique of the ruling classes and political events.
Dr Sacheverell
Dr. Henry Sacheverell's impeachment in 1710 sparked widespread public unrest and political upheaval, highlighting the power of rhetoric in shaping society.
Cartes politiques : Jeu d'actualité
Political playing cards published by Grimaud et Chartier, Paris, 1872.
Russian Circus deck
The Russian Circus deck published by the Imperial Playing Card Factory, St Petersburg.
Czech Bohemian style playing cards
Czech Bohemian style playing cards with a charming aesthetic, reflecting the cultural and social life of the time.
Swiss playing cards by Iehan Hemau
17th century Swiss-suited playing cards by Iehan Hemau of Épinal.
Lyon pattern made in Italy by Pietro de Santi
The Lyon pattern was initially developed in France during the 16th century. As Lyon was a trading hub, cross-cultural exchange between Italy and France naturally occurred.
Laurenzo Propagine
Spanish-suited cards made in Italy by Laurenzo Propagine.
Archaic Franco-Spanish pattern
Archaic Franco-Spanish pattern by Guillaume & Jean Grossard (Bordeaux).
La Baraja del Mundial
“La Baraja del Mundial” satirical football deck published by Fournier for ‘Interviú’ news magazine.
Portuguese pattern by Real Fábrica
Later Portuguese pattern by Impressão Règia, Real Fábrica de Lisboa.
Typographic Playing Cards
Typographic Playing Cards designed by Jim Sutherland, c.2010.
Neapolitan pattern by Luigi Pignalosa, Naples
Two versions of the Neapolitan pattern from the British Museum by Luigi Pignalosa, Naples, 1875 & 1882.
Historical Characters
Double-ended deck with historical characters and jacks as jesters by Daveluy, c.1850.
Mademoiselle Lenormand
XIX century ‘Mlle Lenormand’ cartomancy deck by Daveluy, Bruges.
Motherpeace Round Tarot
An original and imaginative feminist tarot invoking matriarchal Goddess energy.
Rouen Pattern - Portrait Rouennais
An attractive XV century French-suited design from Rouen became the standard English & Anglo-American pattern.
Archaic Spanish proof sheets
2 x uncoloured proof sheets of archaic Spanish-suited playing cards produced for “New Spain”, possibly clandestinely.
English Pattern by B.P. Grimaud
Standard English pattern published by B.P. Grimaud with engraving by F. Simon, c.1880.
Hispania Romana
Educational card game depicting the Roman period in Spanish history.
Hesslers Four-Colour “No Revoke” Deck
Hesslers Maiden Back Four-Colour “No Revoke” Deck, with enhanced visibility and a traditional look.
Heathen Divinities
Handmade playing cards from the British Museum depicting classical Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.
American Civil War playing cards
American Civil War playing cards with suits of stars, US flags, US shields and eagles.
Hand-drawn set of 52 playing cards
An imaginatively hand-drawn set of 52 playing cards by an amateur artist, 18th century.
Battles in Mexico, 1847
Uncut proof sheet with Mexican Battle scenes on the aces and portraits of American generals on the court cards.
Double-ended German-suited pack by Josef Glanz, Vienna.
From the British Museum collection.
Trappola pack by Joseph Glanz
Double-ended Trappola pack by Joseph Glanz, Vienna, late 19th century.
Printing Presses
Antique printing presses from the Turnhout Playing Card Museum collection.
Le Monde Primitif Tarot
Facsimile edition produced by Morena Poltronieri & Ernesto Fazioli of Museo Internazionale dei Tarocchi, 2021.
Animal Tarot by Johann Jobst Forster
French-suited 78-card animal tarot deck of the Bavarian type.
Miniature spanish-suited playing cards
Pack of 48 miniature spanish playing-cards published by C R.
Uncut Sheet by Johann Jobst Forster
A proof sheet containing twelve court cards of conventional French type.
Lend Me Five Shillings
or “Her Majesty’s Privy Purse” - a merry round-the-table game published by D. Ogilvy.
Laughing Made Easy
a Victorian card game published by D. Ogilvy.
L Day
Antique cards forming a composite pack by L.Day, Kingdom of Ireland, 1780.
Burgundy pattern - portrait bourguignon
The old Burgundy (or Burgundian) pattern by Nicolas Chenevet, Dijon.
Jeu Quatre Empereurs
Brazilian scenic aces with emperors of Brazil, Austria and France and other dignitaries on the court cards.
Kings and Queens of Brazil & Portugal
Historical playing cards by C. L. Wüst depicting monarchs of Brazil and Portugal.