Rex Pitts (1940-2021)
- United Kingdom • Member since January 30, 2009
Rex's main interest was in card games, because, he said, they were cheap and easy to get hold of in his early days of collecting. He is well known for his extensive knowledge of Pepys games and his book is on the bookshelves of many.
His other interest was non-standard playing cards. He also had collections of sheet music, music CDs, models of London buses, London Transport timetables and maps and other objects that intrigued him.
Rex had a chequered career at school. He was expelled twice, on one occasion for smoking! Despite this he trained as a radio engineer and worked for the BBC in the World Service.
Later he moved into sales and worked for a firm that made all kinds of packaging, a job he enjoyed until his retirement. He became an expert on boxes and would always investigate those that held his cards. He could always recognize a box made for Pepys, which were the same as those of Alf Cooke’s Universal Playing Card Company, who printed the card games. This interest changed into an ability to make and mend boxes, which he did with great dexterity. He loved this kind of handicraft work.
His dexterity of hand and eye soon led to his making card games of his own design. He spent hours and hours carefully cutting them out and colouring them by hand.
Pepys Games
The Story of Pepys Games by Rex Pitts
J. W. Spear and Sons
Jacob Wolfe Spear founded his company manufacturing fancy goods in 1879 near Nuremberg in Bavaria, Germany
Chad Valley Co. Ltd
Chad Valley Co. Ltd (incorporating Johnson Brothers (Harborne) Ltd, the long-established UK brand bought by Woolworths in 1988 and now sold at Argos.
Multum in Parvo Co., Ltd
Multum in Parvo published a range of indoor games during the period from 1884-1927.
Ariel Productions Ltd
The founder of Ariel Productions, Philip Marx, was a prolific publisher of children’s books and comics towards the end of and just after the Second World War.
Kum-Bak Sports, Toys & Games
Kum-Bak Sports, Toys & Games MFG Co., Ltd, London S.E.11
Crazy People
Crazy People children’s card game illustrated by caricaturist and graphic artist Walter Trier, c.1950.
Panko (Votes for Women) suffragette card game published by Peter Gurney Ltd, c.1912.
Anonymous Snap game, 1930s.
Lion Coffee
Lion Coffee Mother Goose card game, late 19th C.
Panto People
Panto People published by E. S. & A. Robinson, c.1930s.
Hats-Off! miniature card game published by E. S. & A. Robinson, c.1930s.
Zoo-Boots published by E. S. & A. Robinson, c.1930s.
XIXth Century
The XIXth Century published by John Jaques & Son, c.1875.
Consil by Multum in Parvo Company,c.1900.
The ‘Rinker’ Snap
The ‘Rinker’ highly amusing snap game, c.1910.
Fortune Telling
Fortune Telling cards by Whitman Publishing Co., 1940.
Österreichisches Trachten-quartett
Österreichisches Trachten-quartett Nr.282 published by Ferd Piatnik & Söhne.
Round the World Happy Families
Round the World Happy Families by Chiefton Products Ltd of Bristol, c.1950s.
Geschichte des Buchgewerbes
Geschichte des Buchgewerbes illustrated by Ludwig Winkler, published by Verlag für Lehrmittel Pößneck.
So Fängt Es An
“So Fängt Es An” beautifully illustrated by M. Neugebauer, published by Helingsche Verlagsanstalt.
Abbatt Animal Families
Abbatt Toys Animal Families, c.1970.
La Sibylle des Salons
La Sibylle des Salons facsimile of 19th century deck published by J M Simon, 1979.
Verkehrsmittel Einst und Jetzt
“Verkehrsmittel Einst und Jetzt” transport quartet game by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik GmbH, 1949.
Asterix Abenteuer
Asterix Adventure quartet game by ASS, 1989.
Vargas Girls
‘Vargas Girls’ paintings by Alberto Vargas in a deck of cards published by Creative Playing Card Co Missouri.
The Art of Pin-Up decks
Feminine beauty has been appreciated since prehistory.
Portraits of a Lady
Portraits of a Lady by Lo Scarabeo, 2003.
French for Fun
French for Fun instructive card game published by John Jaques & Son Ltd., c.1930s
Eurotrotter by La Ducale, c.1980s.
Schwarzer Peter no.964
Schwarzer Peter no.964 published by Josef Hohlweg, Vienna, early 20th century.
Counties of Britain
Counties of Britain by John Jaques & Son Ltd. c.1930.
Moon Race
A concise overview of early space exploration illustrated by Giordano Tacconi, 2004.
Alice in Wonderland by Jesús Blasco
Alice with artwork by Jesús Blasco, published by Lo Scarabeo, 2003.
Radio Banker
Radio Banker by John Waddington Ltd for Marconiphone Co Ltd.
Tout Est Bien Qui Finit Bien
‘Tout Est Bien Qui Finit Bien’ family card game by Dondorf.
Pulp Pin-Up
Classic 1940s Pulp Pin-Up covers on playing cards from China, c.2010.
Liberty playing cards designed by Antonella Castelli, published by Lo Scarabeo, 2003.
Il Circo
Il Circo illustrated by Jules Garnier, published by Lo Scarabeo, 2004.
William Tell
Facsimile of Swiss William Tell deck from c.1870 published by Lo Scarabeo.
Luxus Skatkarte Nr.1134
Luxus Skatkarte Nr.1134 printed by Brepols for Germany, c.1940s.
Römihártya pin-up deck from Hungary.
Zwarte Piet
Zwarte Piet by Dondorf for the Dutch market, 1906.
Jigstar film star card game by Murphy Games Ltd, 1936.
Black Peter
Black Peter card game designed by Willy Mayrl for Piatnik.
Corrida de Toros
Bull fighting card game publshed by Naipes Comas, 1969.
Countries of Empire
“Countries of Empire” published by John Jaques & Son Ltd, c.1930s.
Majas Alfabets Spel
Majas Alfabets Spel beautifully illustrated by Lena Andersson, 1980s.
Gulliver im Land der Zwerge
Gulliver in the Land of Dwarfs quartet published by Verlag für Lehrmittel, Pößneck.
El Gato con Botas
Puss in Boots card game manufactured by H. Fournier, 1981.
Anma US Armed Forces
Anma US Armed Forces, 1942.