Playing Cards for Consumer Advertising, Marketing & Promotion
Closely following the development of visual advertising in general, such as on labels, packaging, posters and TV commercials, advertising playing cards seek to find ways to associate products with our inner desires and longings, with our identity and who we want to be. Some packs are widely distributed as part of larger promotions, others are more exclusive. In some cases single cards are collected from inside the advertised product, thereby stimulating further sales to complete a full set.
Caledonian Airways “European Phrases”
“European Phrase” playing cards produced for Caledonian Airways, 1994.
Health & Safety playing cards designed as a teaching aid to improve safety standards in the workplace
Cardiology Trials
Cardiology Trials - limited edition playing cards by Krakowskie Zaklady Wyrobów Papierowych Trefl (KZWP), 2003
Carreras Ltd Playing Cards and Dominoes, 1929
Carreras Ltd miniature playing cards and dominoes, 1929
Carreras Ltd Tobacco Advertising
Carreras issued a number of advertising packs, cigarette and trade cards, miniature packs, etc during the 1920s and 30s.
Cartes de Luxe (1877) facsimile
‘Cartes de Luxe’ first published by Biermans in 1877 was reproduced in facsimile by Amstel Beer in c.1980.
Cartográfica Industrial, Curitiba, Brazil
Double advertising pack made by Cartográfica Industrial for Refrigeração Parana S.A. The extra card contains an insignia with the legend 'CARTAL'.
Casa Escasany
Naipes Casa Escasany ~ Magnificent novelty playing cards published by Casa Escasany, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1930s.