Playing Cards for Consumer Advertising, Marketing & Promotion
Closely following the development of visual advertising in general, such as on labels, packaging, posters and TV commercials, advertising playing cards seek to find ways to associate products with our inner desires and longings, with our identity and who we want to be. Some packs are widely distributed as part of larger promotions, others are more exclusive. In some cases single cards are collected from inside the advertised product, thereby stimulating further sales to complete a full set.
Shrek the Third playing cards
Characters from the 2007 film Shrek the Third, a DreamWorks Animation production.
Publicity playing cards for the Dutch credit company Sitters & van der Kar. The four Aces and Joker feature abstract geometric designs in the style of Art Deco.
Simpson (Piccadilly) playing cards
Innovative advertising pack for Simpsons of Piccadilly designed by André François.
Smith-Corona Marchant
Simplified yet colourful court card designs by Avoine for Smith-Corona Marchant.
Sony IBC’86
Sony IBC’86 complimentary pack showcasing latest electronic and digital equipment as it stood in 1986.
Souvenir of Scotland
52 Selected Views of Scotland produced for United Cigar & Tobacco Co. Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland by Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd.
Spanish Historical Characters playing cards, c.1896
Cards from the Spanish Historical Characters playing cards set printed by Litografía Madriguera (Barcelona), c.1896, which were inserted into packets of chocolate.
Spanish playing cards for Yerba Armiño
Spanish-suited playing cards for Yerba Armiño, anonymous manufacturer probably made in China.
Spanish suited pack for Nestlé
Spanish-suited pack produced by Chas Goodall & Son Ltd for South America.
Speelkaarten-Fabriek Nederland “Fortuna”
Speelkaarten-Fabriek Nederland for Royal West Indian Mail Service, c.1926
Standard Genoese
Van Genechten manufactured playing cards in various styles, including specially customised versions for commercial clients wishing to advertise their own brands on the cards.
Star Trek® – The Original Series
Promotional pack for CIC Video with characters and starships from the original series of Star Trek.
‘Starlight’ playing cards - brightening the lives of seriously ill children - published by Simon Lucas Bridge Supplies Ltd.