Playing Cards from Russia
Palekh by Aleksey Orleansky
In the style of religious icon paintings, these court card figures wear costumes reminiscent of the mid-17th century.
Peterhof souvenir playing cards
Peterhof souvenir playing cards (Petergof suvenirnye igral’nye karty) published by Mednyi Vsadnik (Bronze Horseman), St. Petersburg.
Playing cards in Russian life
Playing cards in Russian life - Karty v zhizni Rossii - published by Aleksandr Lutkovskii in 2004.
Russia Souvenir Playing Cards
Russia Souvenir Playing Cards published by The Bronze Horseman, c.2004.
Russian “Historical”
Russian “Historical extra fine No.204” Playing Cards depicting Ancient Dynasties, 1920s.
Russian Circus deck
The Russian Circus deck published by the Imperial Playing Card Factory, St Petersburg.
Russian Constitutional Playing Cards, 1909
A rare American Russian political pack depicting events and moods in early 20th century Russia.
Russian criminal tattoos and playing cards
Russian criminal tattoos and playing cards, United Kingdom, 2018.
Russian Dumpling Club
Russkii Pel'mennyi Klub (Russian Dumpling Club) playing cards designed by Evgenia Alexandrovna Belyakova.
Russian Emperors
Russian Emperors playing cards / “Rossiiskie imperatory karty igral’nye” produced and illustrated by Aleksei Orleanskii, 2006.