Playing Cards from Italy
Royal Britain
Pack devised by Pietro Alligo depicting English monarchs from Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II.
San Marino Souvenir
San Marino stamp designs combined with photographic views by La Fotometalgrafica Emiliana, c.1975.
San Paolo Chekhov
Characters from Chekhov’s plays designed by Paolo Fresu for San Paolo Istituto Bancario, Italy, c.1983.
Schwarze Katze (or Gioco del Gatto Nero)
Reproduction of a 40-card transformation pack with designs by “WS”, adapted for the game of Black Cat.
Sicilia in Acquerello
Souvenir playing cards from Sicily using watercolours rather than photographs.
Sicilian Pattern
The Sicilian pack has a similar composition to the Neapolitan pack, and is small and squat in appearance.
Sicilian playing cards by Antonio Monasta
"Il Leon" Sicilian playing cards, 40-card pack based on Spanish designs, made in Sicily by Antonio Monasta, probably 17th century.