Playing Cards from Germany
Fipps der Affe
“Fipps der Affe“ (Fipps the Ape) quartet game with cartoons by Wilhelm Busch published by Bielefelder Spielkarten GmbH, c.1962.
Four Days of Walking Event
Dutch playing cards promoting the annual International Four Days of Walking Event held in Holland, 2016
Freimaurer Spielkarten / Masonic playing cards
Masonic playing cards created by Ivan Wojnikow, 2004.
Fruits et Légumes
The beautiful artwork in Dondorf's “Fruits et Légumes” quartet game reminds us of the benefits of natural food.
Fynste Java Speelkaarten
Dondorf's "Fynste Java Speelkaarten No.17" was published to commemorate the second marriage of King William III with Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont, on January 7, 1879.
The Valets in this deck appear in costumes of the Biedermeier period, portraying sentimental and pious poses in keeping with the iconography of traditional German playing card patterns.
Geistliche Karten
Geistliche Karten, Augsburg, 1718. Each card carries a text in Gothic typeface giving advice regarding what to do and think each day. Not quite oracle or divination cards, they are more like 'a motto for the day' collection. The method of using the cards is not known.
Georg Kapfler
Antique deck of old Bohemian playing cards of the German type manufactured by Georg Kapfler and dated 1611.
German History by Johann Conrad Jegel
Historical Deck with characters and emblematical figures published by Johann Conrad Jegel, Nürnberg, with etching by Georg Pommer.
German hunting pack by Theodor Wegener
Hunters, animals and birds feature on all but the Kings in this pack by Theodor Wegener, c.1863-70.
German playing cards
Card-playing rapidly became popular in medieval Bavaria and German printers were quick to supply the goods.