Playing Cards from France
Parisian Spanish pattern by Fossorier, Amar et Cie
‘Parisian’ Spanish pattern published by Fossorier, Amar et Cie (Paris), c.1902.
Parisian style Spanish deck by Grimaud
Parisian style Spanish deck by Grimaud for export to Uruguay.
Pedro Varangot, 1786
Archaic Navarra pattern produced for the Pamplona General Hospital Monopoly by Pedro Varangot in 1786.
Petit Etteilla cartomancy cards
“Petit Etteilla” cartomancy cards designed and published by Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, Paris c.1796
Pierre Etaix
Colourful, stylised courts designed by the French clown, comedian and filmmaker, Pierre Etaix.
Pierre Marechal
Rouen became an important centre for card-making whose influence extended far afield. Cards from Rouen are significant because they became the model from which our English pack subsequently evolved.
Polaires - Foreign Legion Playing Cards
A Bridge-style deck featuring Foreign Legion paintings by Maitre Rosenberg.
Première Guerre Mondiale
“Première Guerre Mondiale 1914-1918” playing cards published by Éditions J.C. Dusserre (Maitres Cartiers Boéchat Frères), Paris.
Prisoners of War
Hand-made playing cards by French prisoners of war in Porchester Castle, Hampshire, c.1796.
Provence Pattern - Portrait de Provence
The 'Provence' pattern contains figures which go back to the fifteenth century.
Révolution 1789-1989
Révolution 1789-1989, celebrating the bicentenary of the French revolution, France, 1989
Revolutionary playing cards
Revolutionary playing cards with decapitated courts published by ATYPYK, Paris, 2010.
Richard Bouvier
The assorted antique playing cards shown below are examples of the French 'Paris' pattern from the seventeenth century. The Jack of Clubs has the name Richard Bouvier.
Rois de France
Figures from French history restyled for a younger audience published by Quelle Histoire, 2015.