12 Articles

John Daniels

  • Australia • Member since January 05, 2015

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Hudson Industries

Hudson Industries Pty Ltd of Carlton in Victoria was first registered as a printing company in 1920. In the 1940s they registered their own distinctive ace of spades and joker.

SNP Ausprint Pty Ltd

Formerly part of Singapore National Printers (SNP), the company went into receivership in April 2008.

Spicer & Detmold

Spicer & Detmold (1922-48) produced a lot of pictorial back designs. Most decks with picture backs were printed in 4 colours.

Brewery Advertising

Australian Brewery Advertising.

William Detmold Limited

William Detmold Limited, manufacturers of playing cards.

Ausgold by SNP

“Ausgold” by SNP Ausprint Pty Ltd

SNP Ausprint Jokers

A series of SNP Ausprint jokers with the various wording and name changes


Playing cards from Australia.

John Sands

John Sands had incorporated the earlier playing card manufacturing businesses of Hudson Industries Pty Ltd and Valentine Publishing Co.

The Valentine Group

The Valentine Group, Australia.

1961 Reed Paper Products

Reed Paper Products

Reed Paper Products of Waterloo manufactured playing cards until the late 1970s.

1932 Australian Excise Duty

Australian Excise Duty

Excise Duty was introduced on Australian playing cards in 1932