Imported Argentinean Playing Cards

Published April 05, 2001 Updated May 09, 2022

There has been a number of importing agents, as well as manufacturers from other countries, who have imported playing cards into Argentina.

Argentina Importer

Since the end of the monopoly of the Real Fábrica de Naipes de Macharaviaya (Spain) in 1815, there have been a number of importing agents, as well as manufacturers from other countries, who have imported playing cards into Argentina. These include Fló Hnos. y Cía, Casa Jacobo Peuser Ltda, Julio Laje and Bertrand Domec (see full list of Importers). In general, and until 1968, these imported packs show the brown or orange Argentinean importation tax stamp "Impuestos Internos" on the ace of hearts for Anglo-american style decks, or on the four of cups in Spanish-suited packs, as illustrated in the examples shown below.

Consolidated Dougherty Squeezers No.9352

Above: "No.9352 Squeezers" manufactured by Consolidated Dougherty Card Co Inc., New York, for export to Argentina. The ace of hearts features three orange "Impuestos Internos" tax stamps instead of the usual one, and a small overprint 'Naipes Lavados'. This refers to the practise of refurbishing used decks which were then taxed for a second time. The importer's name Casa Bertrand Domec is overprinted on the ace of hearts. Similar packs were also imported into England by Mudie & Sons.

Waddington's Beautiful Britain series

Above: two cards from "BEAUTIFUL BRITAIN" playing cards manufactured by John Waddington Ltd with a pale brown Impuestos Internos tax stamp. The importer's details on the ace of hearts reads: “Casa Jacobo Peuser Ltda., San Martin 200 Buenos Aires

Abeja/Bee playing cards

Above: two cards from "NO-92 ABEJA/BEE" playing cards for import into Argentina, manufactured in USA by The N.Y. Consolidated Card Co (Consolidated-Dougherty Card Co. Inc). The importer's details on the ace of hearts reads: "Casa Bertrand Domec de Fagoaga y Fernandez Importadores, Tacauri 127, Buenos Aires".

'Marfil 1ª' playing cards by Hija de B. Fournier, Burgos

Above: two cards from a pack of playing cards by Hija de B. Fournier for export to Argentina, c.1945, imported by Julio Laje whose details are printed at the bottom of the card. The pale brown "Impuestos Internos" tax stamp is visible in the upper half of the card.

Heraclio Fournier’s “Poker N°40” c.1960

Above: detail from outer wrapper of a pack manufactured by Heraclio Fournier, Vitoria, Spain in around 1955-60, subsequently imported into Argentina by Bertrand Domec whose details are printed on the wrapper.

Left: side panel from a Spanish-suited pack manufactured in West Germany by F.X.Schmid Argentina S.A. c.1970.

1,479 Articles

By Simon Wintle

Member since February 01, 1996

Founder and editor of the World of Playing Cards since 1996. He is a former committee member of the IPCS and was graphics editor of The Playing-Card journal for many years. He has lived at various times in Chile, England and Wales and is currently living in Extremadura, Spain. Simon's first limited edition pack of playing cards was a replica of a seventeenth century traditional English pack, which he produced from woodblocks and stencils.

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