“Double Happiness” brand Hakka [客家] playing cards used by Hakka ethnic communities who have a separate identity from Cantonese,
Tam Cúc 三菊
Tam Cúc playing cards from Vietnam (Việt Nam), based on Chinese chess, 2016
Four Colour Cards / 四色牌 / Si Sek Pai
Four Colour Cards made in Belgium for Far Eastern markets
Ceki Cards
Indonesian Ceki cards
Hokkien Four Colour Cards
The characters on the cards are written one way for red and yellow, and another for green and white. They are: 將 士 象 車 馬 包 兵 for white and green; 帥 仕 相 俥 傌 炮 卒 for red and yellow.
Donkey game from Malaysia
“Donkey” children's card game designed and created by Ooi Yan Hee, manufactured by Hee Trading Co., Malaysia, 1984
Uta Garuta
These cards are basically a poetry anthology (the Hyakunin Isshu, or 百人一首), transposed onto cards.
Komaru 小丸
The usual composition appears to be a series of pips from 1-9, and a court card repeated 4 times. Some of the pips are decorated with silver overprints.
Japanese Kurofuda 黑札
The name means “Black cards”, which is especially true of you look at the suit of batons. The horse's legs can be recognised on the Cavaliers.
After Mekuri games such as Unsun Karuta and Tenshô Karuta were banned by the authorities, especially if played with foreign cards, their appearance was disguised.
Kabufuda playing cards manufactured by Nintendo, Japan
Hwatu - Korean Flower Cards. The cards are printed on thick, red plastic, instead of the laminated board (with turnover edges), used in Japan.
Gnau, a Norwegian Card Game
Chinese Fortune Telling Cards
Fortune Telling Cards - wondrous scientific divination poker cards.
Hee Trading Co
Hee Trading Co., Malaysia, manufacture board games, jig-saw puzzles, chess sets, games compendiums as well as card games such as Happy Families, Donkey and Snap.
Minnie Patience
Minnie Patience. The backs show images of Mickey & Minnie mouse dancing together.
Mahjongg is usually played with tiles, which are Chinese playing cards made in solid form...
Playing Cards from Malaysia
Playing Cards from Malaysia.
Double Elephant & Double Dragon
Double Elephant brand Four Colour cards