Demon Deck
54 amazing hand drawn cards which shows the demons from Underworld.

The embodiment of the underworld through playing cards
“Demon deck” Playing Card Deck by Anomaly World Studio; 54 amazing hand drawn cards which shows the demons from Underworld. “We are Anomaly world studio and we create a custom playing cards. Our first project - Demon Deck playing cards. We start raise money on so we please your help to make this project successful!”
The project was successfully funded:►

Above: Demon Deck Created by Roman Kotiv, 2014. Inages courtesy Peter Burnett.

By Adam Wintle
Member since March 15, 1997
Adam has been involved in developing the site as well as reviewing new decks and conducting research. He is particularly interested in innovation, Kickstarter and East Asian cards. He is a member of the IPCS and webmaster of the EPCS.
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