Pirritx eta Porrotx
Happy Families card game from the Spanish Basque Country.
‘Pirritx eta Porrotx’ familien karta-jokoa: they love each other, they form families • See the rules
Alfonsiño is a boy who is in foster care. His parents cannot take care of him, which is why another family has taken him in for a certain period of time. Now he has two fathers and two mothers, and they all love him. His mother is in hospital, and he goes to visit her with his foster parents. Pirritx and Porrotx bring him letters from his sailor father. That is why the letter is the family mascot (komodina).

Above: cards from ‘Pirritx eta Porrotx’ Basque Country Happy Families card game published by Elkar, 2005. 36 cards + rules. Each family includes a mascot card or joker (komodina) and these may also be collected to form a ‘family’.

By Egoitz Campo Gonzalez
Member since December 01, 2024
Egoitz participates in several sporting groups in the Basque Country area (Spain).
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