International pattern from Russia
Colourful international pattern cards from Russia sold in Latvia.
Sometimes a cheap pack bought in a foreign supermarket holds a surprise or two. In this case, a pack purchased in Riga turned out to be from Russia. The medium-size cards are amazingly colourful, almost as if the courts were wearing folk costumes. That said, the pattern is recognisably of the international (or English) type but with one or two quirky features: for instance, is that a candle or a smoking chimney on the Queen of Spades?! There is a red and green check pattern on the reverse • see the box

Above: International pattern from Russia, maker unknown (“Classica” brand). 36 cards in tuck box. Size: 55 x 80 mm. Purchased in Riga, Latvia, 2018. The faint label on the back of the box is in Latvian.

By Roddy Somerville
Member since May 31, 2022
Roddy started collecting stamps on his 8th birthday. In 1977 he joined the newly formed playing-card department at Stanley Gibbons in London before setting up his own business in Edinburgh four years later. His collecting interests include playing cards, postcards, stamps (especially playing cards on stamps) and sugar wrappers. He is a Past President of the Scottish Philatelic Society, a former Chairman of the IPCS, a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards and Curator of the WCMPC’s collection of playing cards. He lives near Toulouse in France.
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