
Links to Other Playing Card Websites

  Please get in touch if your site is not yet listed here:

  1. The English Playing Card Society (UK)
  2. The Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards (UK)
  3. A Gallery of Standard English Playing Cards (UK)
  4. L'ACCART - L'Association des Collectionneurs de Cartes et Tarots (F)
  5. Games et al (UK)
  6. Games & Print Services (UK)
  7. Piatnik (Austria)
  8. Carta Mundi (Belgium)
  9. Make Your Own Playing Cards Online (UK)
  10. Ivory Graphics - playing-card printers (UK)
  11. Kevin Gallagher - Mystifier and Magician (UK)
  12. Paul Gordon - Card Magician & Author (UK)
  13. Oblique Strategies (UK)
  14. (UK)
  15. Playing Cards Only (UK)
  16. My Divination website
  18. Taxes and Tax Stamps on Playing-cards (Germany)
  19. Deutsches Spielkartenmuseum at Leinfelden (Germany)
  20. Tarot and its History (Germany)
  21. Homepage of Klaus-Juergen Schultz (Germany)
  22. Hearts Playing Cards (Holland)
  23. Tarot Passages
  24. Aeclectic Tarot (Australia)
  25. Tarot Readings and Dream Interpretations (Iceland)
  26. 52 Plus Joker (USA)
  27. Bicycle Cards for Collectors (USA)
  28. The United States Playing Card Company (USA)
  29. Action Publishers: Politicards (USA)
  30. Gemaco Playing Cards (USA)
  31. Pippoglyph Playing Cards by Ben Crenshaw (USA)
  32. Your Playing Cards - Customised Playing Cards (USA)
  33. Solsuite Solitaire (Italy) ? See also
  34. Naipes Fournier (Spain)
  35. Naipes Reimon (Argentina)
  36. France Cartes (France)
  37. KZWP Trefl-Kraków (Poland)
  38. Baller's Playing Cards (Hungary)
  39. Россiйское карточное общество (Russia)
  40. C.O.P.A.G. (Brasil)
  41. Kuo Kau Paper Products Co. Ltd (Taiwan)
  42. TM Playing Cards