Tarocco Indovino

Published August 26, 2023 Updated August 26, 2023

Sergio Ruffolo’s “Tarocco Indovino” is an expanded version of his “Lo Zodiaco” cartomancy deck.

1979 Italy Dal Negro Sergio Ruffolo Tarot Tarocco

Sergio Ruffolo’s “Tarocco Indovino” is an expanded version of his “Lo Zodiaco” cartomancy deck, with the addition of 22 trumps, 4 Cavallos (knights), two new Consultante cards and a different back. All the figures wear medieval garb but are drawn in a distinctive, modern style using relatively soft colours. The 1980s were marked by a sense of openness to exploring alternative spiritual paths, and a growing interest in integrating New Age spirituality into daily life. Concepts like homeopathy, and herbal medicine, meditation, crystals and astrology began to be encountered at Mind, Body & Spirit fairs.

All the images on the suit cards are the same in both decks, but I've illustrated one Re and Donna to show their changed indices. The indices on the courts have been changed too: Kings become R for Re, Queens become D for Donna, C is for Cavallo, and Jacks become F for Fante. The cards in each suit are numbered from 1 to 14, (with Re being 1, and Asso 14), in a white circle at bottom left; whereas the majors are numbered in a black circle.

Tarocco Indovino designed by Sergio Ruffolo, produced by Dal Negro, Treviso, Italy, 1979 Tarocco Indovino designed by Sergio Ruffolo, produced by Dal Negro, Treviso, Italy, 1979 Tarocco Indovino designed by Sergio Ruffolo, produced by Dal Negro, Treviso, Italy, 1979 Tarocco Indovino designed by Sergio Ruffolo, produced by Dal Negro, Treviso, Italy, 1979 Tarocco Indovino designed by Sergio Ruffolo, produced by Dal Negro, Treviso, Italy, 1979

Above: Tarocco Indovino designed by Sergio Ruffolo, produced by Dal Negro, Treviso, Italy, 1979. The deck is housed in a large rectangular hard plastic box with an outer cardboard sleeve, complete with instructions in Italian. Cards measure 106 x 62 mm.

16 Articles

By Adam West-Watson

Member since September 01, 2014

I have been fascinated by playing cards ever since I can remember, and still have several of the card games I had as a child. And although I had accumulated quite a number of packs of various sorts over the years, it wasn't until I was in my 50s that I began collecting in earnest. My tastes are quite varied, and my collection of 800 or so decks includes:- children's games, standard and non-standard playing cards, adult games, fortune telling and oracle cards, tarot cards, and even cigarette cards.

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