Disney Princess

Published September 26, 2023 Updated October 18, 2023

Featuring Disney Princesses and Enchanting Tales in two sizes of pack made for Eastern Europe.

2009 Austria Czech Republic Europe Hungary Piatnik Disney Fantasy

Under the terms of the licensing agreement, both the small and large-sized packs were made by Piatnik specifically for the Hungarian and Czech markets.

Disney Princess - normal size

Each suit corresponds to a different Disney Princess: Snow White (H), Cinderella (C), Ariel (D), Belle (S). Every card is illustrated (with repetition on the 3 and 8 of Clubs). The background colour is a strong pink on the court cards and Aces and a pale pink on the numeral cards. The indices appear only once on each card. See the box

Disney Princess (small) made by Piatnik, Vienna, Austria, for Piatnik Budapest and Piatnik Praha, c2009 Disney Princess (small) made by Piatnik, Vienna, Austria, for Piatnik Budapest and Piatnik Praha, c2009 Disney Princess (small) made by Piatnik, Vienna, Austria, for Piatnik Budapest and Piatnik Praha, c2009
Disney Princess (small) made by Piatnik, Vienna, Austria, for Piatnik Budapest and Piatnik Praha, c2009

Above: Disney Princess (small or normal size) made by Piatnik, Vienna, Austria, for Piatnik Budapest and Piatnik Praha, c2009. 52 cards + 1 Joker + 2 extra cards (one of which can be used as an extra Joker) with text in Hungarian and Czech, in tuck box. Piatnik No. 159114. Size: 58.5 x 88.5 mm. © Disney

Disney Princess - large size

The Disney Princesses featured include Snow White and Ariel; the others are less easy to distinguish since, in this pack, they are all wearing golden dresses. The 13 different images are repeated on the same card in each suit, with a fourteenth on the Joker. The background colour is a strong pink so the indices and pips on the red suits do not stand out well. The pack is subtitled “Enchanted Tales”. See the box

Disney Princess (large) made by Piatnik, Vienna, Austria, for Piatnik Budapest and Piatnik Praha, c2009 Disney Princess (large) made by Piatnik, Vienna, Austria, for Piatnik Budapest and Piatnik Praha, c2009

Above: Disney Princess (large) made by Piatnik, Vienna, Austria, for Piatnik Budapest and Piatnik Praha, c2009. 52 cards + 2 (identical) Jokers + 2 extra (double-sided) cards with text in Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Bosnian/Croatian and Serbian, in drop-lid box. Piatnik No. 158636. Size: 89 x 119 mm. © Disney

NOTE: I have stock available of both sizes.

600 Articles

By Roddy Somerville

Member since May 31, 2022

Roddy started collecting stamps on his 8th birthday. In 1977 he joined the newly formed playing-card department at Stanley Gibbons in London before setting up his own business in Edinburgh four years later. His collecting interests include playing cards, postcards, stamps (especially playing cards on stamps) and sugar wrappers. He is a Past President of the Scottish Philatelic Society, a former Chairman of the IPCS, a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards and Curator of the WCMPC’s collection of playing cards. He lives near Toulouse in France.

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