
Published January 08, 2017 Updated March 25, 2024

“Comtesse” by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik GmbH, 1961.

1961 Germany Bielefelder Heinz Villiger Art & Design Fashion & Costume Rococo
Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik 1948-1972

Comtesse double patience set with artwork by Heinz Villiger printed by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik GmbH, 1961, with the beautifully designed court cards expressing different personalities. The four aces are decorated. The deck was republished several times over the years, sometimes as a full-sized skat deck or in a plastic box; in this edition, with German indices, the black kings have no crowns.

“Comtesse” by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik, 1961
“Comtesse” by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik, 1961 “Comtesse” by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik, 1961 “Comtesse” by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik, 1961

Above: “Comtesse” with artwork by Heinz Villiger printed by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik GmbH, 1961. Each pack contains 52 cards + 3 jokers, one red-back and one blue-back. The set comes in a vinyl wallet, with an instructions leaflet in German with rules for several games of "patience". The name of the manufacturer appears on the seven of spades and the logo on the ten of clubs.

307 Articles

By Matt Probert

Member since March 02, 2012

I have adored playing cards since before I was seven years old, and was brought up on packs of Waddington's No 1. As a child I was fascinated by the pictures of the court cards.

Over the next fifty years I was seduced by the artwork in Piatnik's packs and became a collector of playing cards.

Seeking more information about various unidentified packs I discovered the World of Playing Cards website and became an enthusiastic contributor researching and documenting different packs of cards.

I describe my self as a playing card archaeologist, using detective work to identify and date obscure packs of cards discovered in old houses, flea markets and car boot sales.

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