Jeu de la Géographie
“Jeu de Géographie” educational playing cards etched by Stefano Della Bella and published in c.1644.
Extremely scarce “Jeu de Géographie” playing cards, one of several educational sets etched by Stefano Della Bella (1610-1664) and published by Henry le Gras, c.1644. The cards bear personifications of countries or continents, with allegorical figures. In this set the suit symbols have not been included, but the intention was that the four suits represent the four known continents: hearts are Europe; diamomds are Africa; clubs are America, and spades are Asia.
Each card has on its upper half a design or figure in a national costume, emblematic of a geographical division of the globe. Below are the title and an account of the place represented. The supposition that these cards could be used for ordinary play is illusory. Their primary purpose is instructive.

Above: “Jeu de Géographie” educational playing cards etched by Stefano Della Bella (1610-1664) and published by Henry le Gras, c.1644. The title card bears a planisphere. The cards are unsuited but with indices 1 to 10, the court cards are not indexed. All cards are hand coloured on pasteboard. Total 52 cards + title card. The cards in this set have had borders trimmed and were mounted and bound in Red Morocco leather.
Images and notes kindly contributed by John Sings -►
Several complete sets (coloured or uncoloured, with or without suit signs) can be found on the British Museum website. For example here or here►
Coloured without suit signs: Bibliothèque Nationale de France►
Uncoloured with suit signs: Bibliothèque Nationale de France►
Facsimile Edition by Lo Scarabeo, 2004
A facsimile edition was produced by Lo Scarabeo in 2004 in which suit signs and indices are included. See the Box►

Above: cards from facsimile edition titled ‘Le Roi Soleil’ published by Lo Scarabeo, Torino, 2004. Images courtesy Rex Pitts.

By Ann and John Sings
Member since December 22, 2021
Articles and contributions by Ann & John Sings. Visit Games et al
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