Tarot Junior Walt Disney
A Disney version of the French Tarot game aimed at younger players.
Introducing children to card games can take many forms. Usually, children start by playing simple games like Snap. The French Jeu de Tarot is far from simple, involving, as it does, 78 cards. Reducing the number of cards to 55, reducing the size of the cards, simplifying the rules and employing Disney characters (as here) were all part of a short-lived attempt to get children to play Tarot. The court cards depict Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Donald Duck. Cards Ace to 4 have been axed, while the number of trump cards has been reduced from 22 to 15. There is repetition amongst the images on the trump cards – surely Disney could have supplied 30 different ones?! For Disney collectors this may be a pack that they have overlooked – it is not so easy to find 40 years on. See the box►
The Court Cards

The Trump Cards

Above: Tarot Junior made by B.P. Grimaud, France, 1979. 55 cards + leaflet with rules of Tarot Junior in French, in tuck box (the box is the same on both sides). Size: 51 x 93 mm. © 79 Walt Disney Productions.
I happen to have a few spare sets if anyone is interested.

By Roddy Somerville
Member since May 31, 2022
Roddy started collecting stamps on his 8th birthday. In 1977 he joined the newly formed playing-card department at Stanley Gibbons in London before setting up his own business in Edinburgh four years later. His collecting interests include playing cards, postcards, stamps (especially playing cards on stamps) and sugar wrappers. He is a Past President of the Scottish Philatelic Society, a former Chairman of the IPCS, a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards and Curator of the WCMPC’s collection of playing cards. He lives near Toulouse in France.
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