Eagle Playing Card Co

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34: Design Copies

34: Design Copies

Some copies of the designs of Goodall and the New York Consolidated Card Co.

37: Late 19th Century Card-Makers and Problem Cases

37: Late 19th Century Card-Makers and Problem Cases

After the Old Frizzle period and the tax was reduced to 3d per pack, from 1862 onwards, a number of makers started up, who hadn't made cards before, although they were part of the paper and pasteboard industry.

52: The Isle of Man

52: The Isle of Man

The Isle of Man has always been a tax haven within the British Isles and it has also had some interesting packs of cards.

Eagle Playing Card Co. Limited

Eagle Playing Card Co. Limited

Cards from std English pattern printed by The Eagle Playing Card Company Limited, Czechoslovakia, c.1900. The cards are in imitation of American cards, but probably for the UK market.