Bertrand Domec

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Bertrand Domec  page 6

Bertrand Domec page 6

Playing Cards imported into Argentina by Casa Bertrand Domec de Fagoaga y Fernández (Sucesores) Bs. As., c.1935-50.

Bertrand Domec, 1904-1970 page 2

Bertrand Domec, 1904-1970 page 2

Bertrand Domec page 2 (c.1905-1926).

Bertrand Domec, Buenos Aires 1904-1970

Bertrand Domec, Buenos Aires 1904-1970

Bertrand Domec was an importer of playing cards into Argentina, 1904-1970.

Fagoaga y Compañía (Casa Bertrand Domec), Buenos Aires, c.1970

Fagoaga y Compañía (Casa Bertrand Domec), Buenos Aires, c.1970

Playing Cards Imported into Argentina by Fagoaga y Compañía (Casa Bertrand Domec), Buenos Aires, c.1970

Fournier No. 55

Fournier No. 55

Naipes Intransparentes de Una Hoja No.55 made by Hijos de Heraclio Fournier (Vitoria) for exportation to Argentina, c.1940.

Fournier No.35 Spanish-suited playing cards

Fournier No.35 Spanish-suited playing cards

Fournier No.35 Spanish-suited playing cards imported into Argentina by Fagoaga y Compañía (Bertrand Domec), c.1970.

Hija de A. Comas “El Periquito”, c.1930

Hija de A. Comas “El Periquito”, c.1930

Sebastian Comas y Ricart - Hija de A. Comas “El Periquito” Spanish-suited playing cards for export to Argentina, c.1930.

Naipes Coraza, Comas, Barcelona, 1940s

Naipes Coraza, Comas, Barcelona, 1940s

Naipes Coraza, Hija de Antonio Comas, Barcelona, 1940s.

Nascal S.R.L., Buenos Aires, 1960-80

Nascal S.R.L., Buenos Aires, 1960-80

Nascal S.R.L., Buenos Aires, 1960-80.

Poker N°40

Poker N°40

Hijos de Heraclio Fournier’s “Poker N°40” c.1940.

Poker Nº 505

Poker Nº 505

Heraclio Fournier ‘Poker Nº 505’ for export to Argentina with elaborate peacock joker, c.1960.

Squeezers No.35

Squeezers No.35

By 1877 the New York Consolidated Card Co's "Squeezers" were a great success on account of the indices in the corners which enabled the cards to be fanned.