Tobacco Playing Cards

52 ways to stop smoking
“52 ways to stop smoking”, offering positive help for anyone who wants to give up smoking.

74: The Wills/Waddington gift scheme
The scheme to promote playing cards as gifts by means of inserts in Wills' cigarette packets apparently saved Waddington from their financial problems in 1931. Here are some details of the cards involved.

Animals Quartet printed for Cigarrillos El Figaro, Peru
Animals Quartet game printed for Cigarrillos El Figaro, Peru, early 1900s.

Atout Cœur!
Poster designs by children for an anti-smoking campaign in the Midi-Pyrenées region of France.

Biermans for the Estanco de Naipes del Peru
Standard Genoese pattern with French indices made by Biermans for Cigarrillo Holiday and the Estanco de Naipes del Perú.

British American Tobacco patience
Patience deck for British American Tobacco printed by Speelkaartenfabriek Nederland c.1940

Bucktrout & Co. Ltd
Half-sized cigarette playing cards published by Bucktrout & Co., Ltd (Guernsey) c.1930.

Carreras Ltd Playing Cards and Dominoes, 1929
Carreras Ltd miniature playing cards and dominoes, 1929

Carreras Ltd Tobacco Advertising
Carreras issued a number of advertising packs, cigarette and trade cards, miniature packs, etc during the 1920s and 30s.

Cía Chilena de Tabacos
Anglo-American style pack issued on behalf of the Cía Chilena de Tabacos, c.1930.

Cigarette Cards and other ephemera
Cigarette Cards, Trade Cards, Miniature Playing Cards and other ephemera.

Cigarrillos Compadre, Peru, early 1900s
Spanish-suited playing cards for Cigarrillos Compadre, Peru, early 1900s

Coffinnails: Smoking Kills
“Coffinnails: Smoking Kills” playing cards highlighting the impact smoking has on life and health, 2004.

De La Rue 1932-1933 Sample Book of Advertising cards
Complete contents of a sample book of advertising cards by De La Rue

De Reszke Cigarettes “What the Stars Say”
De Reszke Cigarettes “What the Stars Say” astrology cards issued by J. Milhoff & Co., 1934.

EPCS August 1991 Newsletter Members Only
Royal Birthdays: HM The Queen, Prince Philip, Princess of Wales • CWS SNAP • OXO • Thomas De La Rue • Nestle's Happy Families • W.D. & H.O. WILLS • Bristol Cigarettes • Brooklands • Henry VIII Quincentenary • Wild Woodbine • Harrods • Richard Doyle • Bridge & Whist • Fashionable Piquet-Player • Elaine Lewis • Barribal