Amos del Universo
“Amos del Universo” card game published by Litografía Goicochea Hnos, S.A., Lima, Peru, c.1980.
Avengers Playing Cards by Theory11
Marvel’s Avengers: The Infinity Saga Premium Playing Cards produced by Theory11 and designed by Mattson Creative, 2021.
DC Comics Originals
Waddingtons ‘DC Comics Originals’ deck from 2014 featuring ‘Batman’,‘Wonder Woman’, ‘Justice League’ and ‘Superman’
Diabolik Poker
Characters from the Italian comic series Diabolik, with designs by Paolo and Sergio Zaniboni.
Hulk playing cards
Issued to coincide with the release in 2003 of the American superhero film, The Hulk.
Jeu des 7 Familles Spider-Man
Colourful card game featuring the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man and some of his fearsome adversaries.
Newtropolis and the Fantastic Fur
Newtropolis and the Fantastic Fur: Heroes vs. Villains playing cards illustrated by Peter Wood, 2015.
Umbrella Academy playing cards
Umbrella Academy playing cards created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, USA, 2019.