Social Justice

7 Articles 5 Contributors

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British Political Images

British Political Images

Playing cards depicting British political images from the Bodleian Libraries.

Go Go Gorillas!

Go Go Gorillas!

Go Go Gorillas! charity playing cards sponsored by the Eastern Daily Press and the Norwich Evening News.

La Baraja Constitucional

La Baraja Constitucional

The “Baraja Constitucional” commemorates the declaration in Cádiz of the Constitution of 1812 and was designed and created by Simón Ardit y Quer in 1822

Martín Fierro

Martín Fierro

Naipes “Martín Fierro” based on the epic poem by José Hernandez.

O Baralho dos Provérbios!

O Baralho dos Provérbios!

Portuguese proverbs in combination with special courts and suit-signs published by Apenas Livros, Lisbon.

Oliver Twist Snap

Oliver Twist Snap

Oliver Twist Series Snap card game manufactured by A. Collier, London, c.1890.



Superman World Hero™ playing cards made in Belgium by Carta Mundi