Playing Card Innovation
This list features articles exploring the history and evolution of playing card design and manufacturing. Discover key innovations like corner indices, new suit systems, and special features, as well as the impact of leading manufacturers and designers. The articles cover a wide range of time periods and offer insights into both classic and modern playing card innovations.
33: Functional Changes to Playing Cards
The emphasis throughout my collecting has been on the design of the courts cards, and it should be pointed out that there have been some functional changes to cards, which have affected the traditional designs, especially in the 19th century.
76: Transitions: Hunt & Sons
Styles change and technology develops. This means that it's possible to see transition periods in the production of playing cards: single-ended to double-ended, no indices to indices, square corners to round corners, and so on. I'll take Hunt & Sons as an example and look at the gradual changes that can be perceived from c.1810 to 1828, before Old Frizzle was introduced.
A. Dougherty’s Triplicate Recreation
A recreated of the original 1876, No. 18, Triplicate deck by A. Dougherty by Michael Scott in 2014.
Andrew Dougherty 1848-1930
Andrew Dougherty was born in Donegal in Northern Ireland in 1827. He started his playing card business in New York in 1848.
Cartes à Jouer Fluorescentes
Standard French cards but printed with fluorescent inks on a black background.
Cartes Illustrées
Standard French designs adapted for children. Made by France Cartes for La Grande Récré, c.2016.
Classification of Numeral Card Designs in French-suited packs
The classification of numeral cards in French-suited packs, covering various pip designs in over 400 packs from English, American, and French origins, and highlighting both historical and modern patterns.
De La Rue
De La Rue introduced letter-press printing into playing card production and his patent was granted in 1831. He produced his first playing cards in 1832.
Delta Playing Cards
Delta playing cards are a modern art concept deck invented by Professor M. R. Ali, an artist operating under the company name of “Artology International”.
Egbert Moehsnang
The suit signs and indices are clear and easily recognisable, and each suit has a different predominant colour. The juxtaposition of traditional craft techniques with abstract modern design could be seen as postmodern.
English Pattern by B.P. Grimaud
Standard English pattern published by B.P. Grimaud with engraving by F. Simon, c.1880.
EPCS May 1992 Newsletter Members Only
Most Honourable Order of the Bath • Kimberley of Birmingham • UCBS Happy Families • Bass Group • Robin Hood • Nestle • Berkshire Printing Company • Deakins Political
Complete re-design of traditional pack and a tarot deck into what the publishers considered to be ergonomically efficient.
Foster’s Self-Playing Whist Cards
In 1890 R. F. Foster published the first edition of “Foster’s Whist Manual” which was to become the bible for serious whist players for the next two decades.
Fried Chicken Playing Cards
This innovative chicken-themed concept combines playing cards with the aroma of fried chicken.
Great inventions playing cards
Great inventions playing cards designed by Gary Wyatt, United Kingdom, 2011.