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Characters from Charles Dickens

Characters from Charles Dickens

“Characters from Charles Dickens” card game published by Jaques & Son, c.1880.

Dickens Character Collection

Dickens Character Collection

Dickens Character Collection published for a London Casino as a promotional gift.

Dickens Snap

Dickens Snap

Dickens Snap, c.1890.

EPCS November 1987 Newsletter

EPCS November 1987 Newsletter Members Only

Waddington Festive Season 1980 pack • The Background Story of 'Q' Playing Cards • Rhymes about Royalty or The Comical Court Card (Part 2) • Courtenay Edward Maxwell Pollock & Louis Wain • English Standard Card Manufacturers (Part 4) Joseph Hunt & Son • Card Games for Vanity Fair • A Dickens Mystery • An Early 'Animal Grab' Game • Wider than Wide • P&O 150 Years Anniversary • Olympic Caricature Snap • Naval, Military and Aircraft Packs • Special Christmas 1926 Supplement • Peeps into the Past for Boots.

Oliver Twist Snap

Oliver Twist Snap

Oliver Twist Series Snap card game manufactured by A. Collier, London, c.1890.



A series of fifty-five original designs (including frontispiece, back and Joker) for a Pickwick pack of playing cards, in which are introduced all the principal & many of the minor characters figuring in the great humorous classic.