In Castle Land
The Game of ‘In Castle Land’ (No.1113) published by The Fireside Game Co., Cincinnati, 1896.
J. W. Spear and Sons: ‘Zoology’
Quartet games with scientific illustrations became popular during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. J. W. Spear and Sons Zoology quartet game is a lesson in natural history.
Jaques’ Happy Families
In 1851 the games manufacturer John Jaques of London (founded in 1795) commissioned a set of drawings from John Tenniel, later Sir John, the chief cartoonist of Punch, for their new game of Happy Families.
Jewish Card Game
Judaism is the oldest of the great monotheist religions, parent of Christianity and Islam.
Kleine Tierwelt
“Kleine Tierwelt” wildlife quartet game designed by Heinz Osthoff, published by Bielefelder Spielkarten GmbH.
Le Progrès de la Circulation
The beautiful images in this quartet game published by Jeux Spear in 1933 depict the progress of transport and travel since early times up til the 1930s.
Märchen-Quartett (Fairy Tales) illustrated by J. P. Werth and published by J. W. Spear & Söhne, c.1915.
Fairy Tales quartet designed by Annemarie Gramberg, published by Vereinigte Altenburger und Stralsunder Spielkarten-Fabriken AG, 1955.
Nature Quartet game published by Staatsbosbeheer, printed by Roem Speelkaarten, Kampen.
Nederlands Stedenkwartet
Nederlands Stedenkwartet with heraldic needlepoint patterns by Permin, c.1970.
Nederlandsche Oliefabriek
This beautiful quartet game from Holland illustrates the strange life cycle of the peanut.