Playing Cards from Germany
The Princely Hunting pack, c.1440
The Princely Hunting Pack, c.1440/45, is attributed to Konrad Witz and his workshop in Basle.
Uncut Sheet by Johann Jobst Forster
A proof sheet containing twelve court cards of conventional French type.
Verkehrsmittel Einst und Jetzt
“Verkehrsmittel Einst und Jetzt” transport quartet game by Bielefelder Spielkarten Fabrik GmbH, 1949.
"Verkehrte-Welt-Tarock” (reverse world ?) manufactured by Christian Theodor Sutor (fl. 1823-1854), Naumburg, around 1850.
VICTORIA 4500 by F. X. Schmid (Argentina) S.A.
Naipe Español VICTORIA 4500 by F. X. Schmid (Argentina) S.A.
Victory Deck
Victory deck commemorating the Liberation war by Friedrich Gotthelf Baumgärtner, Leipzig, 1815.
Vier-Erdteile c.1870
Dondorf's Luxus-Spielkarte “Vier-Erdteile” (“Four Continents”) was first published in c.1870 and has been re-published in several editions, variations and formats since then.
Volleyball European Championship ’83
Volleyball European Championship Rummy, 1983, designed by Klaus Hennig.