2002 • April
Card games by Joker S.A.
Joker S.A.I.C. produce a range including children's card games, tarot cards and advertising decks, alongside their standard Spanish-suited and Anglo-American playing cards.
Naipes Victoria
Naipes Victoria Spanish-suited playing cards manufactured by Cía General Fabril Financiera S.A.
Fló Hermanos y Compañía, importers of playing-cards, Argentina, 1860-1910
Fló Hermanos y Compañía, importers of playing-cards, Argentina, 1860-1910.
Translucent Playing Cards, c.1850
Cards from a translucent pack. Erotic images are concealed in the middle layer of the card and become visible when held up to a light.
Asociart promotional playing cards, Argentina, 2000
Asociart Insurance promotional playing cards, Argentina, 2000.
Naipes Hijitus
Naipes HIJITUS playing cards were published during the mid-1980s as an insert in the children’s comic Anteojito.