Austrian Wine

Published October 16, 2017 Updated May 28, 2022

Skat deck for Austria’s excellent wines, Österreichischer Weinwirtschaftsfonds, c.1965

1965 Austria Piatnik Advertising Wine

Skat deck for Austria’s excellent wines, Österreichischer Weinwirtschaftsfonds, c.1965.

Skat deck for Austria’s excellent wines,  Österreichischer Weinwirtschaftsfonds, c.1965 Skat deck for Austria’s excellent wines,  Österreichischer Weinwirtschaftsfonds, c.1965

Above: Skat deck for Austria’s excellent wines, Österreichischer Weinwirtschaftsfonds, c.1965.

307 Articles

By Matt Probert

Member since March 02, 2012

I have adored playing cards since before I was seven years old, and was brought up on packs of Waddington's No 1. As a child I was fascinated by the pictures of the court cards.

Over the next fifty years I was seduced by the artwork in Piatnik's packs and became a collector of playing cards.

Seeking more information about various unidentified packs I discovered the World of Playing Cards website and became an enthusiastic contributor researching and documenting different packs of cards.

I describe my self as a playing card archaeologist, using detective work to identify and date obscure packs of cards discovered in old houses, flea markets and car boot sales.

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