Playing Cards from Mexico

Published July 03, 1996 Updated March 08, 2025

MEXICO shares a long tradition with Spain in the field of playing cards and also merges two completely distinct cultures, ancient indigenous cultures and modern Spanish colonialism.

Mexico Amerindian Monopolies Spanish Suited

EXICO shares a long tradition with Spain in the field of playing cards. The early Spanish colonists carried packs of cards with them; thus Mexico inherited the traditional Spanish card suits (oros, copas, espadas, bastos) in the baraja española. Cards were undoubtedly very popular, since prohibitions were passed as early as 1539 and the Estanco de Naipes (playing-card monopoly) was established in 1576.

Mexico belonged to 'New Spain' and formed part of the Spanish Empire. The first printing press was established in Mexico in 1539 by Juan Pablos, who had come over from Italy. Since 1576, a playing card monopoly existed in Mexico. Due to difficulties in finding the materials, the price of cards delivered by the Real Fábrica de Mexico, the monopolist, fell below the acceptable level. In 1583 one Alonso Martínez de Orteguilla was authorised to administer the manufacture and sale of playing cards in New Mexico (which included Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras). Playing cards were supplied from Seville and France, as well as manufactured in Mexico under licence. By the end of the XVI century over 100,000 packs per annum were being manufactured in Mexico which sold for three reales each and were preferred to those imported from Spain.

From 1777, the viceroy of New Spain determined that cards for Mexico had to be imported from Spain. Until 1811, the Real Fábrica de Madrid cards were sold there. That year, the state monopoly fell.

Mexico re-gained independence in 1821. Local manufacturers were free once again to produce their own cards, although cards also continued to be imported. Initially designs followed the Spanish National pattern and its derivatives. Over time, Mexican card designs have incorporated elements of indigenous art: motifs such as Aztec or Mayan glyphs, symbols, and mythological figures are often incorporated into the artwork. These elements provide a Mexican twist to the classical Spanish layout. Many packs from this period are anonymous and their manufacturers cannot be identified.

F. Munguia commenced producing playing-cards in Mexico in 1868 with the brand names La Campana and La Estrella. A few years later, in 1872, a certain P. Munguia started production, and La Cubana S.A. became the successors of P. Munguia and continued producing the brand names La Campana and La Estrella. Their 1960s catalogue shows an extended range of playing card brands as well as other products.

Cockerel trademark - Naipes Gallo - Clemente Jacques

One of the more influential, and widely plagiarised, Mexican designs has been Clemente Jacques’ “Marca Gallo” playing cards, first published in the 1920s and still produced today by Pasatiempos Gallo S.A. Clemente Jacques also produced the magnificent Naipes Nacionales →

Playing Cards from Mexico

"Los naipes, un juego muy antiguo difundido entre los orientales y los europeos, llegaron hasta América desde los primeros encuentros de las dos civilizaciones. Los navegantes de Cristóbal Colón se entretenían al jugar cartas durante el trayecto del viaje y de igual manera, los pasajeros que viajaron de Europa a las Indias eran jugadores apasionados que se valían de los naipes para matar las largas horas que la nao recorría hasta llegar a su destino.…"

Playing Cards in Mexico employ Spanish suit symbols: cups, swords, coins and clubs - termed copas, espadas, oros and bastos.

Bartolo Borrego, 1836 Mexico c.1835 anonymous Mexican pack, c.1850 F. Munguia, c.1868
Baraja Cuahutemoc, c.1950 Marca Gallo Intransparente by Clemente Jacques, Mexico Naipe El Ferrocarril by La Cubana S.A. Baraja Taurina detail from special pack for Aeronaves de Mexico S.A., designed by Ramón Valdiosera Berman, mid-1960s Anonymous miniature playing cards from Mexico, c.2000


Cremers, Filip: Belasting is Troef, Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1992.

García Martín, Enrique: "Clemente Jacques", in LA SOTA no.15, Asescoin, Madrid, September 1996

García Martín, Enrique: "Las Barajas de Símbolos Españoles en América", in LA SOTA no.25, Asescoin, Madrid, September 2001

Grañen Porrúa, María Isabel: "Hermes y Moctezuma, un Tarot Mexicano del Siglo XVI".

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By Simon Wintle

Member since February 01, 1996

Founder and editor of the World of Playing Cards since 1996. He is a former committee member of the IPCS and was graphics editor of The Playing-Card journal for many years. He has lived at various times in Chile, England and Wales and is currently living in Extremadura, Spain. Simon's first limited edition pack of playing cards was a replica of a seventeenth century traditional English pack, which he produced from woodblocks and stencils.

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