Hidden meanings in painting by Jheronimus Bosch

Published September 10, 2016 Updated November 24, 2023

Medieval View of Gambling in the ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Jheronimus Bosch

1500 Netherlands History Medieval Gambling

Hidden meanings in the ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Jheronimus Bosch, a story about moral and sin in a particular time produced by Pieter van Huystee Film, NTR. A fully interactive tour of the painting with a commentary can be viewed here

detail from the ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Jheronimus Bosch detail from the ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Jheronimus Bosch detail from the ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Jheronimus Bosch

Above: details from the ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Jheronimus Bosch in which playing cards, dice and backgammon can be seen. The suffering going on in this panel is not just on the physical level, it’s also psychological: the souls are being driven mad by fear, anxiety, chaos and distress. Experience the full virtual tour here

See also: Garden of Earthly Delights

1,479 Articles

By Simon Wintle

Member since February 01, 1996

Founder and editor of the World of Playing Cards since 1996. He is a former committee member of the IPCS and was graphics editor of The Playing-Card journal for many years. He has lived at various times in Chile, England and Wales and is currently living in Extremadura, Spain. Simon's first limited edition pack of playing cards was a replica of a seventeenth century traditional English pack, which he produced from woodblocks and stencils.

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